
Our Speciality Hippie Kushi Hummus and bean salad Special.


This beautiful dish will seriously satisfy your taste buds. A combination of quality hummus and a delicious salad made of peppers, celery, beans and spring onion.

Marvellous Maple Syrup


A deliciously sweet and fruity indulgence with banana and blue berries.

Beautiful Blue Cheese Bliss.


Delicious Blue Cheese and Bean salad will blow your mind.

Peanut Butter Lover


A nutty treat for you festival nutters. Strange but true, it
contains nuts.

Baked Beans 


Traditional bread crumpets with tasty baked beans.

Homemade Guacamole on two delicious crumpets. £8

Kushibaba's delicious homemade recipe will delight your taste buds.

Marmite Delight


A family favourite to tickle your taste buds

Happy Hippie Bowls

Our Goa Fruit and Muesli bowl with Curd 


Made with fresh fruit and crunchy muesli in the traditional Goan style; great for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Our Vegan Shanti Bowl, full of goodness


Chick peas, lentils, seeds, and fruit on a bed of vegan Hummus with a lemon dressing.